Our mission is to bring God glory through obedience and sacrifice. Our ministries strive to be God’s hand extended in the communities we serve through education, coaching, and mentoring. It is our goal to help couples see the beauty in their marriage, experience the happiness in commitment, and enjoy the passion in love; to empower women and men to reach their goals and live their dreams; to show a mother's love to children in group homes; and to educate teens about domestic violence.
Our vision is to empower people to live their best life. We believe that by meeting people where they are, we can unite and help them identify growth potential in every area of their lives. By creating this bond, we will offer support for their goals, love them for who they are and strengthen the relationships that mean the most to them.
Dupree Empowerment Group, Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to serving individuals, families, and the community. We have five focus groups:
Staying Married God's Way Couples' Ministry
Faith Walkers Empowerment Group
Mothering the Motherless Project
Not You/Not Me Teens Against Domestic Violence.
Kayla's Pink Ribbon Society
Toys For Tots
United Way Shoe-box Project
Assist churches/Groups with Back to School Programs


We are Micheal & Yolanda Dupree. We have 4 beautiful children and have been happily married for 26 years. Words can not explain our excitement as God directs our path and we move in obedience to Him. Please check with us often as we will give you the latest updates for the ministry and spiritual food to help you win with God everyday.
Please consider becoming a sponsor, giving a monetary donation or volunteering your time to help us grow. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your support.